Mon-Valley Moment: Revitalization Through Recreation Tourism Summit – TOMORROW!

November 22, 2019

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Legislative Report 
#Listrak\DateStampLong# The latest news from the State Capitol
Mon-Valley Moment: Revitalization Through Recreation Tourism Summit – TOMORROW!

In an effort to promote revitalization through recreation, I will be hosting a travel and tourism summit tomorrow (Saturday, Nov. 23), at the California University Convocation Center, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with doors opening at 8 a.m.

In terms of a travel and tourism destination point, the 49th District is part of a five-county region. Our respective areas have a lot to offer. The purpose of this event is to get together with interested stakeholders and find out how we can work together regionally and identify the attractions, assets and activities of our region.

Watch my Mon Valley Moment here for more details:

Click here to view video.

For more information and to RSVP, residents are encouraged to call my district office at 724-929-2660.
Sunday Hunting Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk

I am excited to announce that Senate Bill 147, Sunday Hunting, passed the Senate and heads to the governor's desk.

Senate Bill 147 provides for hunting on three Sundays: one during rifle deer season, one during the statewide archery deer season and one on a Sunday determined by the Game Commission. The bill also amends the Pennsylvania Game Code to make trespassing while hunting a primary offense and increase the penalties for the offense.

As you may already know, Senate Bill 147 was overwhelmingly approved in the House earlier this month and sent back to the Senate for concurrence. Without a doubt, this has been one of the most challenging votes to date in my almost three years as your representative from the 49th.

At the end of the day, I have done my best to balance all of these competing interests! I believe that Sunday hunting will create more opportunities for hunters - men and women, young and old to get out into Pennsylvania’s great outdoors!

Protecting Our Energy Producers and Consumers

Legislation introduced in the House and Senate this week would require legislative authorization before Pennsylvania could impose a carbon tax on employers engaged in energy generation, manufacturing or other industries operating in the Commonwealth, or enter into any multi-state program, such as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) that would impose such a tax.

On Oct. 3, the governor issued an executive order directing the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to commence RGGI regulations. RGGI would establish a regional cap on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution that power plants can emit by establishing a trading system. Each unit of trade, known as an allowance, would represent authorization for a power plant to emit one short ton (2,000 pounds) of CO2. Power plants in RGGI-member states can trade allowances, preventing the total amount of CO2 emissions in the region from increasing. RGGI would also establish a carbon tax on fossil fuel users for the resulting CO2 emissions.

House Bill 2025 contends that the authority to make such a decision lies with the General Assembly, not with the governor’s office.

Legislators and industry union members in attendance stated that Pennsylvania’s entrance into RGGI would force energy producers to close and/or move out of state as well as cut hundreds of jobs, drastically increase the price of energy and severely damage Pennsylvania’s economy.

More information on the press conference as well as the two bills can be found here.
Department of Aging Warns Seniors of Genetic Testing Scam

The Department of Aging is warning Pennsylvania seniors, their families and caregivers about a new scam targeting older adults.

Scammers are offering “free” genetic testing, claiming it is covered through Medicare, as a means for the senior to avoid disease or to find the right medications. This is simply an effort to gain access to a senior’s personal Medicare information, which can lead to access to financial information and more.

The Administration for Community Living suggests the following tips to avoid being scammed: Do not accept genetic testing services, including a cheek swab, from someone at a community event; always be cautious about giving out your personal information, including your Medicare number; don’t accept a genetic testing kit through the mail unless it was ordered by your physician; and always review your Medicare Summary Notice or Explanation of Benefits, watching for words such as “gene analysis” or “molecular pathology.”

If you or a loved one have already received a genetic testing cheek swab or screening that was not ordered by a trusted provider, or have any concerns about possible fraud, find and contact your local Senior Medicare Patrol here or call 1-877-808-2468.
Deadline Nears for Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program

Older adults and Pennsylvanians with disabilities have until Dec. 31 to apply for the state’s 2018 Property Tax/Rent Rebate program. Remember, assistance through my offices is always free. You need not pay a private firm for assistance.

The rebate program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 and older; widows and widowers age 50 and older; and people with disabilities age 18 and older. The income limit is $35,000 a year for homeowners and $15,000 annually for renters, and half of Social Security income is excluded.

For additional information and applications, click here, or contact my office for assistance.
Happy Thanksgiving!

For nearly four centuries, Americans have come together in the spirit of thanksgiving. From the earliest traditions that began in Plymouth, Mass., to the first official national observance in 1863, families have gathered in November to celebrate bountiful harvests and all that has been given to them.

In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday on Nov. 28, state offices will be closed on Thursday, and my office(s) will also be closed on Friday, Nov. 29. PennDOT Driver License Centers will be closed Nov. 28-29 as well, though many services are available online at

If you are traveling, be sure to check for the latest traffic and weather information.

From my family to yours, may you all have a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving.
Supporting Small Businesses

With small business serving as the economic engine of our communities, Pennsylvania consumers are encouraged to shop small on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 30.

According to the Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center, there are nearly 1 million small businesses in Pennsylvania, which employ nearly half of the state’s workforce. Small firms make up more than 99% of the state’s employers.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, a 2018 survey found total reported spending among U.S. consumers who said they shopped at independent retailers and restaurants on the day reached a record high of an estimated $17.8 billion.

Learn more about Small Business Saturday here.
Safety Tips for this Hunting Season

As you prepare to head out to our fields and forests, be sure to keep safety in mind. The Pennsylvania Game Commission offers these important tips:

Basic Safety
  • Positively identify the target – Be sure you are shooting at legal game and not another hunter. And never shoot at sounds or movement.
  • Know your zone of fire and never shoot at game moving between you and someone else.
  • Wear the mandated amount of fluorescent orange clothing and use layers of clothing that wick moisture, insulate and block wind or rain to help keep you safe and comfortable.
  • Let someone know where you are hunting and when you will return. They should alert authorities if you do not return at the appointed time.
  • Carry a basic survival kit and know how to use it.
Firearms Safety
  • Handle all firearms as if they’re loaded. Never assume they are unloaded and double check to be sure.
  • Always point the muzzle in a safe direction and don’t put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  • Unload and place your firearm on the ground before crossing a fence, log or other obstacle, or climbing a tree.
  • Shoot only when a safe and adequate backstop exists. Don’t shoot at hard, flat surfaces, water or a target on the horizon.
For more information, visit the Pennsylvania Game Commission website at
Hunters Can Share Their Harvest

To help families, individuals and seniors who are in need, the Hunters Sharing the Harvest (HSH) program is encouraging hunters from across the Commonwealth to share their deer harvest and provide thousands of pounds of venison.

The program partners with the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Department of Agriculture and many other sportsmen and charitable organizations. Since 1991, HSH has distributed more than 1.2 million pounds of donated venison.

Hunters can donate all or part of a harvested deer by taking it to a participating processor, which will then distribute the ground venison to food banks and pantries. For more information, including a list of participating processors in the area, visit
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Belle Vernon, 10 Main St. Belle Vernon, Pa 15012 (724) 929-2660 / California, 130 Woodland Court, Brownsville, Pa 15417 (724) 938-5355
B-15 Main Capitol, PO Box 202049, Harrisburg PA 17120-2049 | (717) 783-8655 / 3-8655
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