Cook Announces Recreation Grants

October 10, 2023

WAYNESBURG – More than $300,000 in recreation grants have been awarded in Greene County, Rep. Bud Cook (R-Greene/Washington) announced today.

“Greene County has so many assets, attractions and activities that make it a great place to live, work and raise a family,” Cook said. “I am pleased to see the state further investing in these key recreation areas in our communities.”

Greene County was awarded $211,700 for further development of Wisecarver Recreation Area in Franklin Township. The work will include construction of pedestrian walkways, internal loop trail, softball fields and stormwater management measures; installation of play equipment with required safety surfacing and fencing; as well as ADA access, landscaping, project sign and other related site improvements.

Jefferson Township was awarded $100,000 for the rehabilitation and further development of Jefferson Township Community Park. The work will include renovation of pedestrian walkways, comfort station and parking area; construction of pedestrian walkway and stormwater management measures; installation of fencing and bleachers; and ADA access, landscaping, project sign and other related site improvements.

The grants were awarded through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Community Conservation Partnership Program. Funding comes from the Keystone Fund, which is generated from a portion of the state’s realty transfer tax; the Environmental Stewardship Fund; the ATV/Snowmobile Fund generated through fees for licenses; and federal money.

Representative Bud Cook
50th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Patricia Hippler
717.772.9846 /

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