Cook Calls on Shapiro to Explain RGGI Appeal to Pennsylvanians

November 22, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. Bud Cook (R- Greene/Washington) released the following statement regarding Gov. Josh Shapiro’s decision to appeal the Commonwealth Court decision that would have ended the job-killing Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a multi-state energy tax program that proposes to increase utility costs in Pennsylvania.

“It pains me to see Pennsylvania’s version of a ‘Green New Deal’ and progressive political agendas raid local communities and jeopardize the future of thousands of employees, whose employment powers America and keeps food on their children’s plates. RGGI not only threatens those jobs but can single-handedly spike energy prices paid by every family and business in the state.

“Just like bans on gas-powered lawn mowers and home air conditioners, we know that there are politicians who don’t care to recognize how bad ideas like RGGI threaten Commonwealth businesses and their employees. Pennsylvanians are already seeing sky-high inflation on everyday goods including fuel and utilities. 

“Gov. Shapiro needs to visit Greene and Washington counties, as well as communities throughout the state, and interact with citizens who go to work at power plants, mine coal or work in the factories that will have to pay significantly more to keep their doors open. He needs to look at Pennsylvania families and tell them why he believes they should pay more to heat their homes and turn on their lights.

“Give me a date and a time, Mr. Governor, and I will gladly arrange a location. You had an opportunity to let a bad idea die, you chose otherwise. At the very least, you should explain yourself to those Pennsylvanians and answer their questions. Our government is founded on ‘We the People,’ Mr. Governor. And ‘We the People’ need an explanation.”

Representative Bud Cook
50th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Patricia Hippler
717.772.9846 /

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